
Vintage Cash Cow.

Vintage Cash Cow, an online startup that buys unloved antiques in any condition, wished to breathe life into their brand. So, I joined the team. I began by resuscitating their tone of voice guidelines, and communications began to spark joy.

Vintage Cash Cow’s latest TV advert

Out-of-home ads for Vintage Cash Cow

High street advertisements for Vintage Cash Cow by Copywriter Rebecca Taylor.
High street advertisements for Vintage Cash Cow.
Vintage Cash Cow posters in service station toilets, by copywriter Rebecca Taylor.
Vintage Cash Cow posters in service station toilets.

Radio ads for Vintage Cash Cow

Radio ad: The Nation’s Big Declutter Challenge
Radio ad: Family Chat
Radio ad: Pilates
Radio ad: Taxi
Radio ad: The Secret Life Of Fountain Pens
Radio ad: Strictly Vintage Cash Cow
Radio ad: From Sir Isaac Newton
Radio ad: Dave’s House Moves

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